Saturday, January 07, 2006

Controlling Others For Love And Profit

It’s been said that 80% of the results in business are created by only 20% of the people. While personal success in the 21st Century rests in the ability to become part of that top 20%, managerial success will depend on the ability to inspire, attract, and/or maintain these leaders.

Leadership “Self-Help” books, articles, blogs, keynotes, and workshops abound. Most of these management tools, sales techniques, and relationship strategies, are successful in at least some situations and with certain people. However, the vast majorities miss the point:

All attempts to influence or control others are focused on the wrong person. Leadership Excellence is the “Art of Self-Control.”

Most people would probably agree that self-control is the answer. The problem lies in the individual definition of self-control ...

· Self-control means toughness for some: “I don’t get mad, I get even.”

· For others, it is all about leaving a way out in case something goes wrong: “I don’t have to take this, I’m out of here.”

· For many, self-control is the ability to refrain from hurting people, even when hurt or angry themselves: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

· And for some people, it means to do whatever it takes to keep from upsetting others: “Don’t rock the boat.”

Statements such as these may seem like self-control to many people. In reality, they are all attempts to control others. People justifying these behaviors are either trying to get someone else to do something (such as keeping their commitments), or to prevent them from doing something (such as getting upset).

Unfortunately, whether one is striving to be helpful or self-serving, the only way to ensure success with these tactics is to establish some kind of ‘Position-Power’ over others. Position-Power may be blatant, as when backed up with orders, threats, demands, hysterics, or ultimatums. However, this manipulation can also be demonstrated in more subtle ways, such as by shutting down, backing away, or making outright lies.

Position-Power is the rationalized control of others due to fear.

This can be a fear OF others: “You might hurt me.” However, it can also be an altruistic fear FOR others: “You might hurt yourself.” The bottom line is, whether you are striving to protect yourself or someone else, management by Position-Power itself is nothing more than a Fear-Based knee-jerk reaction designed to control others.

“Position-Power” is a “Fear-Based Reaction”

These terms are synonymous and interchangeable, and both are becoming operatively obsolete. Regardless of the intent, managers using Position-Power to control others are facing increasing resistance. Modern persons in democratic societies do not function under the strict inflexible hierarchy as our ancestors did. In fact, we resent those who control us (or attempt to control us), even when we are told it is for “our own good”. Just ask any teenager.

In the short term, Position-Power can give a business the illusion of effectiveness. However, this Fear-Based environment is now becoming unacceptable for employees with high levels of self-worth. They have found, and will continue to find, better places to work. Those who remain usually see the levels of fear increase in direct proportion to decreased corporate results.

The cycle will continue until excellence and passion are stifled. In a world where innovation and creativity are needed for long-term business success, companies operating within this paradigm cannot flourish. Resentment and resistance ultimately lead to sabotage, diminished results, and even destruction.

People are beginning to realize they are merely creating new problems whenever they justify Fear-Based reactions to challenging or threatening circumstances. Position-Power is losing ground to effective, innovative, and forward thinking leaders.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that positive results will come through leaders … not from them.

The truth is, the reactions of anyone other than yourself, are merely measures of your own effectiveness … or lack thereof. When you become aware of your own negative Fear-Based reactions, it becomes easier to see how you are attempting to control others with actual or implied Position-Power. Instead of focusing on what others are doing wrong, take responsibility for changing yourself. Your leadership will be greatly enhanced.

We are in the midst of a leadership evolution. Leadership based on Position-Power is history. The evolution in leadership will influence our intimate, family, business, community, national, and global affairs. Now is the time to create personal and professional results WITH your life, not just IN your life.

The world has enough victims. We need leaders.

James Rosewell, Quinn, Offline (The Material World Online Management Journal) Volume-4, No- 2, January 2006

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